Flying for work or pleasure is an unavoidable modern day
necessity. Along with the ticket, we unfortunately believe that we've bought
the right max out on every entitlement. More luggage weight, better in-flight
food - just top-it-up for me please! While what we buy is ours, a greater
responsibility on our shoulders is to not use up all that is given to us. When
you are thinking environment, less automatically becomes more. Here are some practical
ways to be environmentally conscious when you fly.
1. Travel light:
Travelling light will definitely make your travel more enjoyable, but the
lesser your luggage, the lesser the load the airline will have to fly.
Unnoticed by you, each extra shirt, dress or shoe that you carry contributes to
more fuel being consumed. It becomes more fun when you start to keep a track of
the average luggage weight you carry (per day of travel).
3. Laundry: For
travel of more than a few days, if circumstances permit, see if you can get the
laundry done on ground (through the hotel or family you are staying with)
rather than carry extra clothes. If you think that hotel laundry service is
exorbitant, find a good 24hr cleaners service near your hotel. Think of the
extra spend as your contribution to the environment kitty and the extra effort
as the one reason you needed to explore the city.
4. Use less
disposables: To the extent possible, reuse the disposable cups the airline
serves beverages in, refuse tissues with every serving if you do not need it,
use only the toilet paper necessary when using the washroom. This reduces the
environmental burden due to the disposables, but over time and when enough
people do it, the airline will also reduce the disposables they carry
5. Newspapers etc.: If you are reading a newspaper in the
flight, ensure that you keep fold it back in as close to pristine condition as
possible. Place it in the seat pocket as if the airline put it there on
purpose. This will ensure that the cleaning crew in the next stop does not
dispose of the newspaper and it will be convenient for the next reader to read
as well.
6. Give feedback:
Take a little time out to give the airline your feedback about their
environmentally conscious ways (or the lack of it). Bring it to their attention
and reiterate it over email as well. Your compliment for good environmental
action taken by the airline or your reprimand for their lack of environmental
consciousness will get their attention for sure, goading them to change policy
that is better environmentally suited.
Also smile a lot and thank the crew for taking care of you.
They sure to give you back a sunshine smile - and we all know how important
sunshine is for the environment!
(If you have any practical
ideas on how to be environmentally conscious when flying, please add them as comments
on this blog.)